Małgorzata graduated in Economic Cybernetics and IT at University of Gdańsk. Her professional path was quite diverse. She worked as mathematics teacher, accountant, credit inspector, and at the beginning of the 90s she started working in non-governmental organizations, where she found meaning and satisfaction. For several years, she has been managing a non-governmental organization that deals with the seriously ill children.
Małgorzata Bałkowska

Beata Bednarczyk

Beata has been a business coach for over 18 years and her favorite area of activity is communication and leadership in accordance with the Leadership Performance Pipeline methodology. For over 6 years, as a certified coach of Noble Manhattan (PCD®), she has been supporting the development of managerial staff and specialists.
She graduated from Management at the University of Gdansk and from Personnel and Training Management at Nottingham University. She also completed post-graduate sociological studies for managers at the Gdańsk University of Technology.
Izabela Belzyt

Izabela completed postgraduate studies in Positive Psychology, Adult Education, Project Management, and trainings in Solution Focused Therapy (TSR), Rational Behavior Therapy (RTZ), Alternative and Assisted Communication (AAC), Empathic Communication (NVC), Job-crafting, Sketchnoting .
She is fascinated by communication, positive interventions and solutions. As a tyflopedagogue and Lomi masseuse, she tries to explore the world multi-sensitively.
Mirosław Bohun

Joanna Bojarska-Buchcic

Katarzyna Brachowska-Przeniosło

Agnieszka Bunkowska

Agnieszka is a notary and runs her own notary’s office.
Personal development is important for her: she is a listener of SWPS in Sopot in the field of positive psychology. Life for her is an opportunity to realize own dreams and passions.
Magdalena Chełstowska

Magdalena is a teacher by education. For several years she worked with children and teenagers who, for various reasons, had a more difficult start into adulthood. As a coach and educator, she works in close relations with people.
Supporting them in the development process is a challenge and satisfaction for her.
Magdalena Ciesielska

She has been dealing in accounting and finances for years. Since 2014 she has been the owner of an accounting office. She also graduated from navigation in the Gdynia Maritime School. The sea taught her humility, but it also helped her to believe that the limitations are only in the head.
Małgorzata Hrywniak

She graduated in sociology at the University of Gdańsk, as well as postgraduate studies in HR, coaching and mediation. Throughout her professional career, she has worked with people – at first as a part of the personnel team, then leading it to responsibility for the personnel strategy for the entire company. She constantly approaches her work with curiosity, openness, but also with humility.
Barbara Jóźwiak

Barbara is a financier by education. She participated in the creation and development of the banking system in the Pomeranian region. She has been active in the Gdańsk Society of Friends of Art for over 25 years. During professional activity, she promoted and supported visual artists.
She likes to interact with young people. She is pleased to share the knowledge and experience she has gained at work and at various courses and trainings.
Małgorzata Kajut

Małgorzata is a graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology and a long-term manager and member of the Management Board of a Tri-City technology company. She also graduated from the Academy of Leadership Psychology and completed post-graduate studies at the Warsaw University of Technology.
In 2022, she was a co-initiator of the Be Able To Help Foundation of the VECTOR Group Foundation, which aims to support the development of young people who, for various reasons, need support in entering their adult life.
Alina Kietrys

Alina graduated in Polish philology and various profiled postgraduate studies. She is a journalist. She worked in radio, television and newspapers.
For years, she also has worked as an academic teacher at the University of Gdańsk, where she teaches journalism. She believes that passion and curiosity about the world are qualities worth to be cultivated. She observes what is happening around her with openness and sensitivity.
Katarzyna Łangowska

Katarzyna is a social worker, educator academic teacher and trainer by proffesion and passion. Through active participation in many national conferences, publications and seminars, she co-created the vision of family assistance which became the basis for the provisions in the Family Support Act.
Privately, she is a mother of two adult children and grandmother of three wonderful grandchildren. She likes people with their advantages and disadvantages, she likes get to know them, talk to them and help them if needed.
Katarzyna Majchrzak

Katarzyna is a graduate of sociology at the University of Gdańsk, postgraduate studies in Public Relations and coaching, empathy-based communication trainer. Born in Gdańsk, professionally associated with a French fries factory in Lębork, where she is responsible for the communication and social involvement.
She is inspired by people, and the most important in relations with them is openness, respect and empathy. Her own development is important to her, but she derives great satisfaction while accompanying others in their development.
Ewa Mallek

Ewa graduated from production logistics and human resources management. She started her professional career in trade and currently works in an electronics manufacturing company. She has experience in managing teams of people and is able to work in project groups.
She loves working with people and building relationships with them, which generates positive energy in her. She believes that every human being is a very valuable good that should be taken care of and respected.
Ewa Marcinkowska

Ewa has been working as an insurance advisor since 2005. In her life she is guided by the principle “Take small steps, take your time, you can walk anywhere”. Energetic, but not in a hurry. Passionate about self-development, freedom, independence and about people. She believes that every human being is good, only some are sometimes afraid to show it. A mother of two adult children, a bridge player, she loves nordic walking and traveling.
Dorota Markiewicz-Kubik

She has been working in a company producing French fries for McDonald’s for several years. She is responsible for the personnel area – development and motivation of employees, as well as for building the company’s image and programs supporting the local community.
Her life mission is to support and develop others.
Joanna Marzec

Joanna is an economist by profession. For over 25 years she has been gaining professional experience in various organizations on expert and managerial positions.
She started her career path in banking, and she continues it in manufacturing companies and in her own business.
Privately and professionally she focuses on personal development and she is interested in psychology.
Katarzyna O'Donnell

For several years she worked as a therapist in London at the mental health institute Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. She is a master’s degree in economics and sociology.
She lived in Ireland and Great Britain for many years. Currently she is expanding her knowledge of Yoga and Mindfulness for children.
Patrycja Osińska

She runs the consulting company Altra Consulting together with housband. She is an expert, a trainer and leader of non-governmental organizations. She specializes in team-building, employee relations and interpersonal communication.
She believes that it is worth to behave decently and to take responsibility for own actions.
Monika Ossowska

Monika has gained her professional experience in the field of public procurement law and banking, and since 2013 she has been associated with the logistics industry. She completed postgraduate studies at SWPS in Sopot – Coaching with elements of psychology. She supports companies and individuals in overcoming challenges, difficulties and crises.
She is open, committed and creative in action. She strongly believes that thanks to perseverance and conscientiousness, everyone is able to fulfill innermost dreams.
Anna Pachocka

From childhood, she dreamed of helping those who did not have a good start in life. That is why she took a 12-year-old boy from an orphanage. Exploring knowledge and looking for different ways of personal development are her passion.
Currently, she is a teacher of Vedic Art – a method of intuitive painting that helps to regain spontaneity, creativity and self-esteem.
Tomasz Rok

For years, he has been working at an international company that has allowed him to grow professionally.
The pursuit of development led him to study psychology. He is a bachelor of psychology in business, he also graduated from clinical psychology at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Sopot.
Jarosław Rozdębski

Since 2008, he has been working with people with intellectual disabilities. Currently he works as an occupational therapy instructor. He obtained professional competences and experience i.e. in Great Britian where he completed specialist courses and worked with people with autism.
Action, help and emotional support are important for him.
Jolanta Siezieniewska

Jolanta is an economist by profession. She worked in sport, insurance and banking. She is a creative mother, wife and friend. She supported PR big projects, such as the construction of a car track in Gdańsk. She organized economic missions to China, sold real estate for large investments.
Currently she deals with training in medicine.
Joanna Stańko

Joanna is a graduate of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk.
Life, however, assigned her a different task. For 28 years she has been working in the banking sector. Her work involves constant contact with another person, which gives her great pleasure because she adheres to the principle “To people for reason, to mother for heart”.
Elżbieta Surma

Physiotherapist and certified yoga teacher. Since 2012, she has been cooperating with the “Między Słowami” Foundation, where she conducts her own “Yoga on a chair” classes for people with communication disorders.
She also graduated from applied sociology and social anthropology at the University of Warsaw. Her specialization is conflict resolution and facilitation. The completion of positive psychology at the SWPS University in Sopot completed her knowledge.
Joanna Szarmach

For over a decade, she worked as a pedagogue / educator with children from the so-called “difficult environments”. Currently, she is the owner of “Rhythm of Development”, a company that conducts workshops, coaching and mentoring for both youth and adults. She is also Master and Coach of Neurolinguistic Programming, Business Practitioner, Social Media Manager.
Bożena Szczepaniak

She is a tax advisor and manager with 30 years of experience in managing accounting teams, economic and tax consulting for Swedish entities and start-ups as well as IT group entities. She is also a certified coach and EMCC mentor.
Barbara Światły

For over 25 years Beata has been gaining professional experience in an international company.
In order to balance corporate life in IT, she focused on personal development and fell in love with coaching. She wants to help people define goals and support them in achieving them. Her specialty is life coaching, addressed to entrepreneurs with a void in their lives who, achieving financial success, have lost good relations with their loved ones. She is in the process of developing her activity “Światły Coaching”. She firmly believes that positive thoughts lead to positive solutions.
Małgorzata Tobiszewska

She has many years of managerial experience. Since 2003, she has ran her own company that implements consulting and training projects in the field of management, HR and professional activation. She is also lecturer, vocational counselor and business mentor.
She believes that all life achievements depend on man and therefore it is worth setting the bar as high as possible.
Aldona Wojtczak

For many years she was a member of the boards of large corporations of various industries, from the banking industry to shipping and defense. After completing her studies in economics and law, she is an absolute fan of positive psychology, which she graduated from the SWPS University.
She believes that the world can be better, when she will be a positive person, consistent with her values and helpful to other people.
Edyta Wołczyńska

Edyta is a manager with many years of experience, co-founder of an IT company, coach and internal mentor, chief happiness officer.
She completed postgraduate studies in Controlling and Project Management. Currently, she is studying Coaching with elements of psychology. Privately, she is mother of two adult children, who promotes healthy eating and “zero waste” cuisine, and is fascinated with sport.
Marzena Wójkowska

Marzena graduated in economics and she has been working in the financial area for many years. She also attended postgraduate studies in Project Management and Business Intelligence.
Marzena is also a psychotherapist during the certification in the European Assiosiation of Gestlt Therapy. She likes working with people, sharing her own knowledge and experience with people who want to broaden their awareness and get to know themselves better.
Małgorzata Woźna

Małgorzata is a coach, trainer and psychologist by education. Since 2014 she has run her own company: Meetings. Małgorzata Woźna, where she supports individuals and groups in development.
Professionally she deals with making dreams come true. The profession she practices allows people to build a sense of strength and faith in their own abilities, thanks to which they fulfill their dreams.
Alicja Zajączkowska

Since 2006, she has been running the training and research company PrePost Consulting. She deals with social research, evaluation, creation of strategy development as well as organization and projects management.
She likes to do good things – in a good way.
Małgorzata Zalewska

Małgorzata graduated from MBA studies in Chicago and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk. She is a specialist in new markets, marketing and sales.
Since 2012, she has been an advisor at the University of Gdańsk for cooperation with business, where she implements the project “Happiness is not an accident”. She runs the blog, where she shares her knowledge of how to be happier, more effective and rich.
Grażyna Zalewska-Pawlisz

She is an economist by profession. Currently she is the owner of the company “ZINK studio”, which deals with i.e. the creation of business development strategies, entrepreneurship training and coaching skills. She specializes in creating business models, company development strategies, personal development in the field of the leadership.
She eagerly shares her knowledge and experience with all who are looking for their own path.
Ewa Zielińska-Nowak

Director of the Personnel Development Department at Deutsche Bank Polska S.A., a graduate of English philology at the University of Silesia and postgraduate studies in Positive Psychology at the SWPS University in Sopot.
She has been working in the field of human resources management for over 25 years. She gained her professional experience in international corporations, both at home and abroad. In life, she is guided by such values as honesty, trust, partnership, respect, reliability and innovation.